

Motivational Consulting carries out professional education/training, seminars, workshops and lectures within the area of Motivational Interviewing, MI.

MI is a client- and customeroriented way of keeping a dialogue. It's developed based on fundamental scientific theories. The method has shown strong evidence to bring out many good effects within behavioral change, lifestyle and life habits.

Skill with MI creates good conditions for the internal workplace communication as well as it contributes to a professional approach at treatment and convincing attitude. MI contributes to increasing strategies taking care of various everyday events and it's an explicit tool to pedagogical guide children and youth in a positive direction for personal development.

Internationella uppdrag
Assistant MI trainer.
The Art of Behavior Change Counseling.
Advanced Training in Motivational Interviewing. San Francisco may 2011, oct 2012. www.berg-smithtraining.com

Workshop trainer MINT Forum, Sheffield 2011.
"Staffan is a wonderful modeller of the MI spirit."
"Everything he does is an example of who to use the MI spirit."


Fort Mason 2012